Details: Saturday 4th December 2021 TRAX Christmas Party & AGM |
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Just a quick reminder to all members.
Saturday 4th December, TRAX Christmas Party & AGM
Crosslands Reserve, at the end of Somerville Rd. Hornsby Heights.
9:00am till 4:30pm (or so)
This year because of ‘Covid 19’, the AGM (Anual General Meeting) has had to be combined with the Annual Christmas Gathering. (That should take all of 10 mins.)
But don’t miss this gathering! 2021 has been a disaster of a year in so many ways, yet at TRAX we are going to make this a bumper Christmas Festivity!
However because of that wretched Covid Virus, to minimise handling of food we are reluctantly asking everyone to bring their own food for lunch, morning tea and afternoon tea.
This year we feature:
* The 3nd Annual Radio Controlled model car races. Get you entry in now.
* The 3nd Annual Pancake, Pikelet, Popcorn, Pufftaloon, Pizza, Pies and well anything edible! Camp cooking competition. This will be held later in the afternoon and the entries will be eaten by everybody for Afternoon tea. Women or men, young people, even greybeards may enter. Remember Covid safety.
* The world renowned TRAX good Fellowship. You come and you are welcome.
Please register now if can come and/or if you want to enter our Car Race and Cooking Competition.
I want to register for the radio controlled car race ( ) I want to enter the P, P, P, P, cooking comp. ( ) Contact Trip Leader Neil Flower 0408 216 401 or email |
TRAX Annual General Meeting. Please be there Contact – Matt Smith, email
See you on the tracks