Christmas 2023


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One man’s view
about the things
that really matter….

Christmas 2023

Christmas is the sure sign that God is real and that he loves us

That he is real?
We know that because he turned up. Jesus is none other than God in person. That is extraordinary. And he turned up not in a palace, but in a food trough amongst farm animals. Such was his humility!

That he loves us?
Only love would motivate the God of the universe to step into the world he created and be therefore vulnerable to humanity which had already turned its back on him!

Why did he do it?
Because he loves us so much that he did not want to leave us in a mess, the mess we’d made of things by shutting him out.

Through his teaching, his life, and his death and resurrection, he makes it possible for anyone who wants to welcome him back into their life, to be forgiven, and reconciled to him for a great life now, and all eternity. 2023 has been another very tough year and 2024 is heading the same way. Our only hope is not that things will get better, or that next year will be free of sadness and challengers (though I hope it is!); our only hope and help is to welcome love, strength, and new life that God turned up 2000 years ago to make it possible.

Personally, I think I have grown in my faith by studying God’s word, the Bible, attending my local Church, not just listening to the Sermon, but taking to other people, it is also a “two-way street” in helping others and them helping me in my faith and life.

My favourite line from a song is, “we are here to help each other walk the mile and share the load”.

Have a great Christmas.

Ron Paton
TRAX Chaplain

(Acknowledgment: Mark Calder – Bishop Bathurst)

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