TRAX Trip – Vic High Country

Monday 20th 10am – Saturday 25th January ~5pm
TRAX trip – Victorian High Country


We will be meeting at Beechworth, Monday 10am, to head off an explore the great Victorian High Country.

We will aim to visit many of the highlights of the High Country, track condition and bushfire dependant, including Craigs Hut, The Bluff and Lovicks Huts, Wonnangatta Valley and Billy Goat Bluff. We will likely come out somewhere at the northern end.

Trip Leader Matt Smith
Email –

Book NOW !

An email will be sent out to people who book in, with meeting place & time etc..

You will need a full tank of fuel, UHF radio (Channel 13) and recovery equipment (just in case). Camera – pictures needed for TRAXION. Camping gear will definitely be needed, and food to last the week; breakfasts, lunches, dinners, morning and arvo teas.

See you on the tracks

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