Details: Thursday to Saturday, 20th – 22nd October 2022 TRAX Trip – The Australian National Field Days (near Orange) |
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Australian National Field Days (ANFD) is the oldest annual agricultural exhibition. 20-22 October 2022. Borenore NSW 2800.
Thursday afternoon 20th Oct. Leaving Sydney Thursday afternoon – Camp / Motel Thursday night (Make your own arrangements for this. Speak to Neil for suggestions).
Friday 21st We meet at the field day grounds (Borenore Rd – follow signs) and then spend the day doing whatever they like at the ‘show’ either singly or in company with others. Friday night accommodation same as Thursday night.
Saturday 22nd re-meet at Show grounds at 9:00am to do a ‘recce’ of Canobolas State Forest and possibly the nearby Glenwood State Forest to ‘suss out’ some future TRAX trips. Then, head for home.
Please note: Participants will need to find and book their own accommodation. Detail of camping areas/caravan parks/motels etc are available from the Orange Visitor Information Centre · 151 Byng Street Corner of Peisley Street Orange NSW 2800 Australia ·1800 069 466 ··
Those who would like to come on this trip contact Neil Flower 0408 216 401 or for more info or to register.
Trip Leader – Neil Flower
Contact :
See you on the tracks