TRAX Trip – McMahons Point

Saturday February 22, 8.30am
TRAX trip – McMahons Point


Meeting at 8:30 at Hawkesbury Lookout on Hawkesbury Road, Hawkesbury Heights and leaving at 9:00.

Great views!! Come along and enjoy a leisurely day down Tableland Road, stopping off at various POIs, including the Kings Tableland Aboriginal Place, which is about an hour’s side-trip on foot, before hopping back into the cars and having lunch looking out over Warragamba Dam.

Notes: there is a short walk to our lunch spot, so bring something suitable for carrying, Also, there is a park’s fire ban in place so no campfires on the trip, but supervised gas stoves permitted.

This is designated as a 4WD track, but suitable for soft-roaders unless there has been substantial rain. There are some mud holes and potholes.

Bring enough fuel to cover 100km, lunch and cameras!

Book NOW !

See you on the tracks

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