Pokolbin State Forest

TRAX Trip Report – Pokolbin State Forest
Day Trip, Saturday, 16th June 2024

Mat Smith – Pajero
Jen and Joe Cilia – Dmax
Daniel Lee and Richard – Nissan Patrol
Peter Frick – Toyota Hilux

The day started rainy as is usual in Sydney these days, The run up the freeway was in heavy rain, but buy the time we pulled up next to Matt at the meeting point there was no rain and it looked like the area had not received the downpours we had just received.
Soon enough all participants had arrived a completed united nations of vehicles with no two the same, just like my sock basket. We headed off to the start of the dirt and meandered through the forest with no dust and the mandatory puddles. One of the biggest obstacles on the day was very chilled bunch of horses that decided they would much rather not move an inch to let us pass. So, one by one we nudged our way past with windows down all saying hello. Morning tea time arrived and the lookout was very grand.

If there was ever a justification for a guard rail well this spot was it, no reverse parking sensor was going to be much help here, it was a long way down. Not to mention the fault line that was just waiting for an excuse to its thing, luckily I was on the safe side of that one.

We all packed up and with more meandering and more puddles to negotiate we headed to lunchtime.

Lots of discussion was had on all topics from electric cars, big tires and seats on aeroplanes as we sat under awnings as the rain came down for a while. Eventually we all packed up and began our extended departure from the forest. Some nice lookouts were stopped at on the way out and we were blessed with clear skies when we did.

We eventually made it out to air up and had a nice run home.

Very relaxing and stress free drive, thanks all and see you next time

Joe Cilia – Reporter-at-large

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