Facing reality if prayer does not seem to be answered

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One man’s view about the
things that really matter….

This month….

Facing reality if prayer does not seem to be answered.

Welcome back to CROSSTRAX! for the conclusion of our series on “Prayer and HF Radio!”

The last thing that I wanted to share with you in this series, is about prayer that is apparently not answered. Jesus also taught about that, too. In Matthew 7:9 – 10 Jesus said (and I’ve shortened it just a little), “Who, if his child asks him for bread will give him a stone? Or, if he asks for a fish will give him a snake?”

You may be going through a tough time right now but God wants to bless you in a way that you cannot imagine. Prayer is powerful, and (thinking about the Christmas that has just gone).
Prayer is one of the best gifts that we can receive. There is no cost, but a lot of rewards. But sometimes we ask for things that we do not understand. Let me illustrate:

There have been some horrible things done to children. But in our worst imaginations we generally can’t picture a father giving a tiger snake to a child who asks for food, and Jesus uses this in a short parable to drive home powerfully the point that God will never do anything evil to those He loves.
The other side of it, however, is that although God will never give evil gifts, we in our ignorance of what is good for us often ask for a snake or a stone!

It’s true!

It may be something in our marriage, or something we have to deal with in our work, or it may be a personal urge we want satisfied. We crave it with everything in us, little knowing that receiving it could lead to either deep sorrow or even ruin.
Don’t be surprised and don’t become bitter if God refuses to give you the wrong thing. He loves you too much to give you just anything you ask for. And so, in your praying, if you ask for something and He refuses to give it, you can only conclude at last: “It’s possible that what I asked for may have been a snake for me.”

It’s a wonderful comfort to be able to pray knowing that God reserves the right to give or not give, according to His superior wisdom. And when we get to heaven and see things in perfect light, we’ll praise Him for all the snakes and stones that He never let us touch.

Let’s continue to pray for one another.

Here is a prayer that I use for all those that I contact:

Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and email contacts reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power and help them to experience the living Lord Jesus in their lives too. In Jesus the Saviour’s name I pray. Amen.

Well, that’s enough for this now, I may write some more about my experiences of prayer in future issues.

Till then, may the Lord be with you all,

Neil Flower
TRAX Chaplain.
(neilflower@bigpond.com) or 0408 216 401.

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