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One man’s view
about the things
that really matter….

Pastor’s thoughts
for July….

1 Kings 8:46-53


“If they repent with all their mind and with all their heart. . .forgive your people. . .. ” 1 Kings 8:48, 50

We are not saved until we are separated from our sins. But we are never free from any sin until we have repented with all our mind and heart.
Some Christians forget that repentance is heartfelt sorrow.
Their hearts never grieve over sin. There is more feeling in a stone.
They should go outside the judgment hall with Peter and learn from him to weep for sin.
There was heart in that man and heart in his sorrow, and through it he found the heart of Christ (Mark 14:66-72). On the other hand, there are those who grieve over sin so much that years later they still condemn themselves.
They cannot bring their minds into play to understand the fact of forgiveness. Repentance must grow out of the mind as well as the heart.
And repentance always includes confession. When we confess our sin, we should always confess it for what it is. It is not merely a mistake; it is lawlessness.

Do not say: “How could I have been so foolish!” Sin is far more than foolishness; it is rebellion. We will know whether or not we are truly penitent when we, by a conscious act of our will, forever renounce sin and give our heart and mind to Christ alone.

Then, being heartily sorry for our sins and receiving forgiveness, our energy is renewed, and we may become profitable in God’s service.


Lord Jesus, I confess my sin and repent. I ask today for the power of your own life to be made new in me. Thank you for graciously hearing my prayer.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

Ron Paton
TRAX Chaplain

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